RSA Animate - The Empathic Civilisation

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Subido por el 06/05/2010

Bestselling author, political adviser and social and ethical prophet Jeremy Rifkin investigates the evolution of empathy and the profound ways that it has shaped our development and our society.


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  • "Y-chromosomal Adam is named after the Biblical Adam. This may lead to a misconception that he was the only living male of his times, even though he co-existed with plenty of men around. However, all his other male contemporaries failed to produce a direct unbroken male line to the present day."

  • Just learned something interest. Apparently, race doesn't exist and it was a term created to distinguish between animals or something. People just extended it to distinguish between people, too. Interesting, huh?

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  • quite a stretch to apply empathy to "other creatures" with us on earth. if we do apply empathy to animals i believe it is misplaced. animals do not, and will never, have the moral capability to have empathy in the sense that humans do/have developed it. animals eat each other without regard for empathy. what I mean to say is that anyone using the line of thinking in this lecture to propose that humans turn vegan/vegetarian for reasons of moral significance is full of it.

  • What I find interesting is the term humanity and its definition.

  • Slightly questioning this study. What if we're adaptional to our society, and certain behaviours including empathy and aggression are more or less dominant according to our environmental factors?

    What if we don't actually have a nature that is set in stone, and are able to switch intermittently and adjust depending on where and how we grow up, and of course the cirucmstances?

  • Well done.

  • I can imagine all of mankind in one big embrace under the Queen. lol

  • “The earth is but one country and mankind its citizens..”

  • You show me a picture or a video of a child, woman or a man being beat, tortured, shot, mortally wounded, murdered or forced to suffer for something they do not understand ... And I have empathy.

    Don't give me your empathetic towards your own class crapola

  • I have been thinking of a way to explain what is shown in this video for a few years. Thanks for explaining this in terms in which I can explain it to other people in!

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